
ISKCON Gurugram
2 min readOct 26, 2020


Demolition of Pride

We often hear pride cometh before fall. The statement holds true even today after thousand of years when Lord Rama killed demon Ravana.

Ravana was manifestations of lust, anger, greed which are three gateways to hell according to Bhagavad gita. And Lord Rama has established the victory of humbleness, respect, self-lessness, love over above given Vices.

Today, we have become quite busy in our personal lives that we don’t have time to rectify these vices which are basic driving force behind everything we do. Ravana’s greed resulted in destruction everything he possessed. These Ravanas still exists in little forms in us.

These little Ravanas have caused the society at large to suffer. The negligent attitude towards these vices continues to harm us if not deftly dealt with. Also, our goal of peaceful life remains aloof from our mind.

In other words, we, the most intelligent among all the living creatures on earth, are using our intelligence to possess things which depreciates with time and are likely to harm us. Its high time that human must take away these important lessons from our glorious and valuable history which guides us to follow principles of peace and prosperity.

All our work is directed ultimately to peace, happiness and prosperity which demands our sincerity to deal with these vices. These vices push us to traverse on risky path and eventually push us to a vulnerable life and become hindrance to our otherwise blissful life.

Let’s pledge this Dusshera to fight the Ravana inside us and set the rule in our life’s based on teachings of Lord Rama.

Let’s create the atmosphere of peace and prosperity which we all have urge to live in it.



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